Introducing TandaPay

Introducing TandaPay

Community insurance where every member participates in approving claims.

An Urgent Need

In an era of #MeToo and #BlackLivesMatter there arises the need for a new type of protocol. TandaPay allows for communities to come together to cover risks that traditional insurers won’t cover.

Find Your Voice

Find Your Voice

"He who controls the narrative, controls the universe.” By approving claims communities take back the narrative and tell their story.

A Matter of Trust

A Matter of Trust

Authorities cannot be trusted to tell your story

You can only trust one thing: The voice of your community, your tribe, your people. TandaPay is a censorship resistant protocol. It’s decentralized, which means it’s free from control by any corporation, government or outside influence.

We Speak as One

We Speak as One

Individual victims don’t have a way to publish an official record that has any authority. An insurance policy is a legal contract and an approved claim is a legal record. If your community doesn’t use insurance to record history then authorities are unlikely to believe what any individual member says is true. TandaPay allows the community to respeak and amplify the voice of the individual community member when they are harmed.

Join The Revolution!

Join The Revolution!

Sign up for the first Alpha of TandaPay to shape the future of insurance.